Explorer Cooking Competition

14th July 2024 11-4pm

Whitley Beaumont Scout Camp Huddersfield

As it’s the first year hosting this event we are only accepting 14 teams (one per district).

If any district is not planning on sending a team please let me know by the 21st June so we can offer more places out to others that may have more teams.

Teams are required to register on this form

The Leader will be sent a team information form, two weeks before the event where they should finalise their team members. 

In the same communication there will be information on the ingredients that will be provided for the team to cook their three-course meal, for two, on an open fire. This is to allow planning time and enable teams to gather the relevant equipment they will need to produce your dishes. 

Alternatives will be provided for those with dietary needs.

Any questions please email explorers@wyscouts.org.uk