The Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme is designed to show that all those leading adventurous activities for young people within Scouting have the skills, experience and personal suitability to do so. It is designed so that it can be tailored to be as flexible as possible, while at the same time providing a robust checking process for leaders in adventurous activities. The permit should be seen as an enabling device to show a person’s competence and provide reassurance to parents of the young people.
What Is Assessed?
There are four areas assessed to gain a permit:
- Technical Competence – This is assessed by the Approved Assessor and looks at the specific technical skills required to run the activity. It is usually assessed through a practical assessment
- Scout Association Rules, This can be assessed by either a County Assessor, or the responsible Commissioner when using an External Assessor. It looks at whether the Applicant is aware of the activity Rules and how they affect the activity within Scouting
- Child Protection (not for personal permits), This will be carried out by the responsible Commissioner and ensures that the necessary Personal Enquiry checks have been carried out and the appropriate child protection training has taken place
- Personal Suitability, this is carried out by the responsible Commissioner, often in conjunction with a Group Scout Leader or similar, to check the Applicant is suitable (in terms of attitude) to be leading an adventurous activity for young people.
What Is The Permit Scheme?
Everyone who leads an adventurous activity for young people within Scouting is required to hold an activity permit for that activity. (Different Rules apply when using external providers.) Details of which activities are classed as adventurous can be found in POR.
Although managed locally, the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme is a national scheme, so once gained, a permit will allow you to run that activity in any District or County.
The person who grants a permit is your responsible Commissioner. This will be your District Commissioner if you have a Group or District appointment, and your County Commissioner if you have a County appointment.
Types Of Permits
There are three levels of permit available:
- Personal, these permits allow under 18s to take part in adventurous activities without the need for someone with a leadership or supervisory permit to be present. They can participate with others with personal permits, but can not participate with or lead anyone without a permit.
- Leadership, these permits allow you to lead an activity for a group of young people. You need to remain with the group throughout the activity.
- Supervisory, these permits allow you to remotely supervise a number of groups taking part in the activity.
Please note, Leadership and Supervisory Permits can be held by all members including under 18’s
Further details of how these permits work for each activity can be found in the factsheet for the specific activity
How do I apply for a permit ?
For information on how to apply in West Yorkshire please download the Permit Flyer, however this national film may help too.
Where can I get more information ?
For more information on the permit scheme please take a look at the National Resorces, or if you have a question feel free to contact the Manager of the Activity Permit Scheme, or any of the assessors using the form below :