Going Abroad

Are you planning a Scouting Visit Abroad  ?

If you are planning a Visit Abroad there have been some recent changes. There is a new 2-part process to ensure that each trip receives as much help & support they need in order to run their adventure! One of the big changes is now that any member of the Scout Association who undertakes a trip abroad must complete the new process. Even if it is just one adult, eg if you are undertaking a recce, an explorer belt expedition, attending a scout conference, attending as IST to a Jamboree then you need to submit the forms. The only exception is the World Scout Jamboree which follows a different process as its a national trip.

If you are attending a trip abroad with another County, then the participants from West Yorkshire are required to submit their documentation to West Yorkshire in addition to the documentation that will be submitted to the other County.

You can also download international opportunities with lots of ideas.

Going abroad with Cubs or Beavers then read this

What is the process ?

1Download the Visits Abroad pack from here
2At the very start of your planning complete Part A of the Visit Abroad form (in the pack in step 1) and sent it to your relevant Commissioner (DC/CC) and ACC I. This will allow them to identify training/support needs and also grant outline approval to continue
3Your relevant commissioner will then notify you and the ACC International of their approval to continue planning or their reasons for rejection
4Plan your trip using guidance from the Visits Abroad Pack & the International Pages online

Put together a budget and agree a payment schedule with the young people - ensure this meets the schedule that you have to pay out to suppliers

Make sure you have checked foreign office Advice and immigration advice for the country you are visiting (ie do you need Visas to travel, parental consent forms to travel without parents both to the Country and for entry back to the UK)UK Immigration Advice

if camping in Europe check out camping in Europe database
5Run Training weekends for your young people to ensure they understand the trip, come together as a team to look after each other and mitigate the risks ie
* try the activities you are going to do in country in the UK (ie skiing lessons, white water rafting, scuba diving)

* make sure the fitness of the young people is built up for adventurous activities

* run sessions on health and wellbeing in hot /cold climates

* practice getting on and off public transport - maybe take part in a scouts monopoly run type event

* try and replicate your accommodation ie if you're camping do a lot of camping in similar scenarios, or stay in a hostel in the UK if Hostelling

* run an airport scenario game
6Make sure you have appropriate Nights Away permits in place along with relevant Activity Permits - See POR

If you are using external providers for activities dont forget to ask them for their public liability certificates (POR Rule

If you are driving minibuses abroad look up the rules on minibuses in the country and foreign driving licence requirements

Check out immunisation requirements for the Country you are travelling to
7During your planning please ensure you share the following with the ACC International (at least 6 weeks before you go)
Insurance Policy,
Risk Assessments,
Critical Incident Plan
Participant List

In addition all your leaders need to be up to date with their training (on compass)
8Plan your InTouch process and make sure you appoint an Emergency Home Contact and talk them through the requirements of the role. Make sure you read the guidance: Incidents and Treatments abroad guidance
9Update Parts A and B of the Visits Abroad form (downloaded in step 1) finalise any of the above documents and submit to your ACC International who will then recommend approval from your relevant commissioner
10Once approved by your relevant commissioner you ACC International will submit your Visits Abroad Form to HQ 6 weeks before departure and send you an international introduction card
11Enjoy your trip
12On your return dont forget to share your experiences with other sections groups & Commissioner

Further information on all of the above process can be found at the dedicated national pages.

Supporting Document Templates

Visits Abroad Form – Part A comes in when you start the process, Part B six weeks before you go

Example Critical Incident Plan (PDF)  (Word)– To be sent in six weeks before you go – this should be circulated and talked through /agreed with all leaders on the trip. Each leader should carry a copy with them

Example Itinerary Template (PDF) (Word)– To be sent in six weeks before you go

Example Risk Assessment Template (PDF) (Word) – To be filled in six weeks before you go.

Example Participant List Template (PDF) (Excel)– To be filled in six weeks before you go.

Example Parental Consent Form Template (PDF) (Word)– May be required to be shown at immigration (this should be taken along with photocopy of birth certificate to prove the names of the parents and photocopies of parent passports to prove the signatures) – for more information read the immigration pages for the country you are going to and UK for re-entry to the UK

Example Health Form Template  (PDF) (Word)– Its unlikely that you will have access to OSM or other online management tool so you should have forms that you can give to the doctors in the Country.  You will also need photocopies of the participants passport to prove identity in a hospital environment.

Home Contact Guidance – To be given to your home contact along with the critical incident plan, risk assessment, itinerary.

Visits Abroad Checklist of things that will be considered before signoff


Who can help me locally?

For local information please contact the Assistant County Commissioner International.

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