The Association has a national awards system for recognising good service, length of service and special acts of heroism and bravery, courage or endurance, and devotion to duty under suffering.
Being a national system affords it prestige and allows all applications to be considered objectively according to national criteria. Except in the case of recognition of length of adult service, awards are not made automatically, and proper, detailed justification must be made in every case.
These awards are generally awarded as part of the St George’s Day Award List.
What are the awards ?
There are a number of awards, each recognising achievement in the Scout Association. The full list can be found here and more information can be found on the national awards page.
How do I apply for an award ?
Do you know of an inspirational adult volunteer who goes above and beyond what is expected of them ? If you’d like to nominate someone special for an award, here’s what you need to do.
- Complete an award application, you can download it here, using the example citations as a guide.
- Submit your application to your District Commissioner for recommendation and support.
- Once approved the form will be submitted to UK Headquarters where it is considered by the Awards Board, a group of volunteers from across the UK
Saying Thank You Locally
Is there an Occasional Helper who has helped out for many years in your section, or perhaps the Executive member who has been on the executive for many, many years ?
If so then you can award locally a Thanks Badge. The Thanks Badge is the means of expressing the appreciation of the Association to those who are not Members or Associate Members but who have been of service to Scouting and is available through Badge Secretaries or you can order from Scout Shops